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InsideOCULA Newsletter: Spring 2013

Welcome to InsideOCULA

Editor’s message:

Introducing … stories and editorials that take you from copyright and academic freedom to a chance to voice your opinion on the “interesting times” in which we work.


In the Spring 2013 issue:

President’s message
Interesting times? Take our poll

News and features
Academic freedom matters
Opposing Access Copyright
Students strike lightning
Writer-in-residence: Innovation promotes inclusiveness
Feature interview: Alison Head

Around the province

Brock: Students makeover website
Carleton: Storytellers share knowledge
Waterloo: Exploring history
Western: Education TIES to technology
Windsor: Repository showcases research

People news

OCULA Lifetime Achievement Award: Cory Laverty

Super Conference 2014 call for proposals

Martha Attridge Bufton, is the current editor of InsideOCULA. She can be reached at martha.attridgebufton [at]

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