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Nominations: Awards and council positions
It’s September! Students are back on campus and the days are getting shorter. Here at OCULA we are starting to think about awards and council nominations, and we need your help.
Every fall, we look for at least one OCULA member to stand for Vice-President/President-Elect as well as one councilor-at-large position. It may sound like a daunting role, but the only requirement is that you be an OCULA member in good standing. It also helps if you work in and care about Ontario’s academic libraries, are aware of key issues facing libraries and want to help do something about them, have ideas for new OCULA projects or initiatives, and like working with colleagues from around the province. The call for nominations for Vice-President/President-Elect and councilor-at-large will be sent out by early October. In the meantime, talk to Kristin Hoffmann (President), Sophia Apostol (Vice-President/President-Elect), or Jenn Peters (Past President) if you want to know more about being OCULA VP. More information is also available on the OCULA website.
We are also seeking nominations for two OCULA awards.
Do you know someone who has had a stellar career and deserves to be recognized for their work? Then nominate them for the OCULA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Do you know someone who has
● started a noteworthy, interesting library project?
● conducted research that is eye-opening and thought-provoking?
● provided outstanding service to OLA or another library organization?
● done something really great for libraries?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then nominate them for the OCULA Award for Special Achievement. There are also OLA-wide awards open to any OLA member, so check out those and think about who you could nominate.
The nomination deadline for all awards is November 15. We look forward to hearing from you!