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People News: Spring 2014
Ryerson University
MJ Suhonos (BSc, MISt) was recently appointed to the position of Digital Technologies and Projects Librarian at Ryerson University. MJ has been working at Ryerson since December 2012 and came to the library with previous experience at Artefactual Systems and the Toronto Public Library. In addition to his undergraduate degree in civil engineering and his master’s degree in information studies, MJ holds a post-degree diploma in systems analysis. MJ is well known across Canada’s research library community for his expertise in digital content and metadata management, and his role in the development of the Public Knowledge Project, founded by Simon Fraser University.
University of Waterloo
Jessica Blackwell (MLIS) is the new the Special Collections & Archives Librarian at the University of Waterloo. In this position, she performs and supervises archival description, assists researchers with their collection questions, and creates initiatives to engage the academic community with the Special Collections’ many local and unique collections. Jessica curates many exhibits for Special Collections throughout the year and also provides in-class instruction and orientations to introduce students to archives.
Rachel McNeil (MLIS) is the new Engineering Liaison Librarian at the Davis Centre Library, University of Waterloo. In this position, Rachel is the primary contact for many of Waterloo’s engineering departments. She manages collections, provides in-class instruction, and offers research help for students, faculty, and other researchers. She also sits on the library’s instructional committee and has a strong professional interest in information literacy and instruction.