I can't emphasize enough how association work can enhance your career development and personal enjoyment of the field.
People News: Fall – Winter 2012
McMaster University
Jennifer McKinnell, Head of Public Services in the Health Sciences Library, recently finished her year-long term as a fellow with the National Library of Medicine/Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries Leadership Fellows Program. Jointly sponsored by both organizations, the international Leadership Fellows Program prepares emerging leaders for the position of library director in academic health sciences libraries. Jennifer was the only Canadian selected for this honour in 2011-2012. She was paired with a mentor: Cynthia Robinson, Director of the George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Hershey Medical Center at the Penn State College of Medicine.
During the fellowship, Jennifer worked with the 10 participants (five fellows and five mentors) to develop her knowledge and skills in various online and face-to-face learning environments. For Jennifer, the highlights of the experience were two, week-long visits to her mentor’s library, at the Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Jennifer met with senior university and hospital administrators, interacted with library staff and learned from her mentor’s librarian faculty. Jennifer’s mentor also planned “road trips” to other Pennsylvania libraries, including the Penn State Pattee & Paterno Library, the University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Library and the Ginsburg Health Sciences Library at Temple University. At all locations, library administrators were incredibly giving of their time as they shared their ideas related to staff development and emerging service areas for academic health sciences libraries.
Jennifer met with all 10 participants in Denver (November 2011) and again in Seattle (May 2012). The program culminated with a capstone event in Washington, D.C. in October. This allowed fellowship participants to meet with directors and representatives from advocacy organizations and national institutes including the Association of Research Libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, SPARC, the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Association of Health Sciences Libraries.
Queen’s University
Sam Kalb, the Assessment Scholarly Communications Services Coordinator, is one of the winners of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) 2012 Library Assessment Career Achievement Award. The award recognizes individuals with substantial contributions to effective, sustainable and practical library assessment as evidenced through presentations/publications, methods, service, advocacy and other work.
Sam has worked over the last 10 years to expand assessment to the national scale in Canada as the coordinator of the LibQUAL+® Canada consortium, a role he undertook on behalf of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL). He has played a leadership role in assessment in research libraries by developing the LibQUAL+® Canada consortium in 2007 and 2010, organizing Canadian assessment workshops, conducting a study to compare the LibQUAL+® and LibQUAL+® Lite survey instruments, and provided ongoing advice and support to colleagues across more than 60 academic libraries.
Sam has been active in ARL initiatives, serving on the Library Assessment Conference 2010 Planning Committee and the Ad Hoc Task Force for Best Practices in Counting Serials, and contributing to the ARL E-Metrics Project. He shared his knowledge in library assessment broadly through numerous publications and presentations.
Ryerson University
Kevin Manuel (MA, MLIS) has joined the Ryerson University Library as the data librarian. Kevin worked previously at the James A. Gibson Library at Brock University, where he was responsible for data, statistics and government and legal information.
Ann Ludbrook (MA, MLIS) is Ryerson’s first copyright coordinator. Ann has many years of experience as a copyright clearance specialist in the private sector and has taught at York University.
University of Western Ontario
Christina Zoricic joined Western Libraries on June 1, 2012 with a continuing-track appointment as a Knowledge Management Librarian with the Library Information Resources Management Unit. Christina previously worked at the University of Waterloo where she had been the Authority File Maintenance Librarian since May 2011. Her professional experience includes authority work, cataloguing, reference, information and instructional services, and web development. Christina has two degrees from Western University: a master’s in library and information science and a bachelor’s (double major: MIT and women’s studies).
Joanne Paterson joined Western Libraries on August 1, 2012 as an assistant librarian. She comes to Western from Library and Archives Canada, where she was a cataloguer with the music team. More recently, she worked in the digital acquisitions department as the acting manager of Theses Canada and Web Harvesting. In this role, she was involved with the preservation of at-risk websites, and the ingest of e-theses and dissertations. Joanne’s degrees include two bachelor’s degrees and an MA (Musicology) from the University of Calgary, and an MSc (Library and Information Science) from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Jamie Goodfellow began her term appointment as a research and instructional librarian supporting the life sciences at the Allyn & Betty Taylor Library on October 1, 2012. She obtained her MLIS at the University of Western Ontario and also has a BA (Honours) in history. Over the past year she has been a liaison librarian responsible for psychology and economics at the D.B. Weldon Library and has also worked as a library assistant at Weldon Library, Kings University College Library, and the University of Guelph McLaughlin Library.
Ryerson University
After many years of service as a librarian, Zita Murphy has retired and was bid a fond farewell at a celebration attended by many Ryerson University staff.