Eva McDonald is the Systems & Electronic Resources Librarian at Centennial College. She can be…
Paul Laverdure
Après son doctorat en histoire, Paul Laverdure s’est lancé dans l’archivistique, la traduction, l’édition, et les recherches à la pige. Depuis 2008, il est le Directeur de la Bibliothèque, Archives et Technologies de l’Information de l’Université de Sudbury au sein de l’Université Laurentienne. Il est aussi responsable des riches archives du programme de Folklore et d’Ethnologie du Canada Français.
Paul Laverdure is the University Librarian and a signing officer and responsible for Copyright and Human Rights files at his university. He was formerly an historian and archivist for a religious congregation, an archive consultant with the Ukrainian Catholic bishops of Canada, treasurer for OLA’s ABO-Franco, president of the Canadian Society of Church History, president of a municipal library board in Saskatchewan and currently teaches university courses in history and religion in his spare time.