While I have been formally introduced to the readership of Open Shelf since I began my stint as Deputy Editor, I recently realized I have yet to properly introduce myself (Hello, how are you?) and put a face and personality to the name you see in email responses from the Open Shelf email address.

The “Shelfies”
This month we celebrate (in our own quiet, understated way … e.g. we’re going on vacation!) 2 years of Open Shelf. This release features the “most read” articles from the magazine.
We don’t actually have awards for this sort of thing, but if we did they would certainly be called
“The Shelfies!“
Our table of contents, “What’s New in Open Shelf: August 1, 2016“, will give you overviews and links to the articles. In this space I’d like to recognize the authors. Congratulations to these wonderful folks for their contributions.

As Open Shelf moves into its third year it will have a new Editor to provide the necessary vision and the energy. Whatever the changes, whatever the new directions one thing remains constant, the writers who make this magazine worth reading. As Open Shelf evolves it will continue to publish the stories that animate our community. I imagine you have a story or two; why not consider writing for Open Shelf? The Editors (new and old) are happy to hear from you.
Cheers, Mike Ridley
Editor-in-Chief, Open Shelf
From the Editor is a regular column from the Editor-in-Chief of Open Shelf. The views express here and throughout the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ontario Library Association or its members.