Questions like “Why am I here?” “What are my future goals?” and “What the fluff am I doing with my life?” are all perfectly normal during your mid-career moment. Here are the top five ways that library cats can battle the mid-career blahs with cat-itude!

Architecture Special: Library Interiors … Who Knew?
Libraries are changing, outside and inside! Last year our Architecture Special focused on the exteriors of libraries. But inside is where the real action is.
The Open Shelf Architectural Awards jury scoured the world (well, maybe the Internet) for the best of the best. Libraries have never looked better. Let’s see winners!
Winner! Chief Librarian’s Office
The inner sanctum of the CEO is often imagined if less actually seen. Our winner combines two essential qualities: it has a loft for those all-too-necessary naps and this office is actually a trailer (yes, it’s on wheels). Handy when the CEO has to “get out of Dodge” for whatever indiscretion may have occurred.
Winner! Staff Workrooms
What is the best way to motivate staff? Given them excellent working space. Our winner in this category doubles as workspace and a staff newsletter. The flexible, and adjustable, workstations allow for efficient work and a clear communications channel. Apparently this newsletter encourages staff to “Fold Yard.” A bit odd but then every library is its own special snowflake.
Winner! IT and Systems Workrooms
We have a special category for those who work in library IT; because after all, they’re special right? Our winner in this category is an homage to the man caves IT staff had in their parent’s basements. Doesn’t it look comfy? And it’s suitably hard to find so they never have to help any of the other staff with their IT problems.
Winner! Special Architectural Feature
Our final award recognizes a new trend in public libraries …. aquariums. We just love to stare at those fish … especially as the big ones eat the little ones. Just like library culture. Our winner went all out with its aquarium flooding the entire library! Now that’s commitment.
Congratulations to the winners.
Open Shelf Architectural Awards Jury, April Foolish (Jury Chair)
April Foolish is the CEO at the Erehwon Public Library.
For more articles from the Special Issue of Open Shelf see the Table of Contents.