This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New in Open Shelf: December 1, 2016
What’s New in Open Shelf? is a Table of Contents of sorts. Open Shelf publishes when we have compelling new material. Every two weeks is our plan.
In this release we feature Kelli Van Buskirk, Kelli Babcock, Pokémon GO!, RA skills, free flow books, empathy, and InsideOCULA for December.
The ever popular Random Library Generator column continues with Fiona Inglis at the helm (while Adele Georgievski enjoys time with her new baby). This time the interview is with Kelli Van Buskirk from the North Bay Public Library.
Sarah Macintyre’s interviews with IT folk in Ontario libraries (The IT Crowd) has revealed some exceptional talent. This time Sarah talks with Kelli Babcock of the University of Toronto Libraries.
Puzzled by Pokémon? The Halifax Public Library was able to tame them as Kelli Wooshue explains in Pokémon GO! 7 Ways a Library Took on a Phenomenon.
“It’s one of the skills all library staff should know, but few are truly comfortable with: readers’ advisory. What do you do when a library visitor says: ‘I’m looking for a good book to read; can you help me?'” Jennifer Green to the rescue: Investing in RA: Skill-Building Strategies.
The Right ‘Man’ For The Job? The Role of Empathy in Community Librarianship was published in 2008 and asked “what skills do Library Workers require to meet community needs? And what is the role and importance of empathy, in particular, within this skill set?” John Pateman reflects and explores in The Right ‘Man’ For The Job?
Open Shelf is delighted to debut a new column, It’s Elementary: Thoughts on School Libraries from Jenn Brown. School libraries, and elementary school libraries in particular, have not received the attention they deserve. Jenn’s column will help address that. Her first article is The Case for Free Flow Book Exchange.
And finally with this release we include the December issue of InsideOCULA featuring articles about libraries and the future of higher education, makerspaces, New Librarian Residency, Ontario’s documentary heritage, the Matariki Digital Humanities Colloquium, and startups.
There are lots of exciting changes in the wings at the Open Shelf Central. Stay tuned for announcements in the near future.
A reminder that Open Shelf takes a break for the holiday season. Our next issue will be released on January 15, 2017. Happy holidays to all!
As always, let us know what you think of Open Shelf.
…Mike Ridley
Editor-in-Chief, Open Shelf