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For-credit IL courses: Do you teach one?
Many academic librarians teach one-shot information literacy (IL) sessions. But how many of us deliver for-credit IL courses?
The ACRL Instruction Section, Information Literacy Best practices Committee, is interested in learning more about IL instruction in Canada and the U.S., particularly about for-credit IL courses.
If you are (or have been) participating in a for-credit IL course at a Canadian university or college, we’d love to hear from you. We’re interested in learning:
- Is your course a half- or full-credit offering?
- Are you teaching in a variety of disciplines (e.g., arts and social sciences, engineering, science)? If so, which disciplines/areas of study?
- Are you teaching undergraduates, graduate students or both?
- How long have you been teaching a for-credit course (e.g., a year, five years or more?)
- Are you teaching in an online, face-to-face or blended learning environment (all or a combination)?
Please email Martha Attridge Bufton (see contact information below) and let us know more about your teaching.
Martha Attridge Bufton, MA, MLIS, Graduate Certificate in TBDL
Interdisciplinary Studies Librarian/Reference Librarian (Indigenous and Canadian Studies)
Research Support Services, Carleton University Library
(On the unceded territories of the Algonquin nation)
Email: martha.attridgebufton@carleton.ca