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A writers’ story: Collaborating long-distance on a bio of Greg Giraldo
By Wayne Jones and Matt Balaker
Greg Giraldo (1965–2010) was a multi-talented fellow. A Harvard Law School graduate with an almost perfect LSAT score, he could also make people laugh about the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Greg abandoned his law career to become a successful stand-up comedian and he appeared in front of audiences across North America, including at the Just for Laughs comedy specials.
A writers’ story transcript
Wayne Jones and Matt Balaker have written the first authoritative biography of Greg entitled Greg Giraldo: A comedian’s story. Wayne is the University Librarian at Carleton University, while Matt is an American freelance writer. Both are huge fans of Greg Giraldo, and in this storycast (above), they share the story of their experience co-writing this book:
- the process of working collaboratively from opposite ends of the continent (Matt lives in California and Wayne in Ontario)
- the experience of having an official book launch at the Fat Black Pussycat comedy club in New York City and
- pondering what Greg might think of this biography

Feature photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Matt Balaker is a comic, writer, and former investment fund manager. He lives in Southern California with his two boys and one wife.
Wayne Jones is the University Librarian at Carleton University. He has held previous positions at Queen’s University, MIT, and the National Library of Canada, and has also worked as a freelance editor. Wayne lives in Ottawa, where the weather is great, not like in Southern California, and has zero sons and less than one wife.