The Ontario College & University Library Association (OCULA) is accepting applications for a volunteer Digital Editor for InsideOCULA.

From tags to controlled vocabulary
Data about data (i.e., metadata) . . . do you love it?
We have a volunteer opportunity for someone who would like to participate in work on our tagging system. We have a list of tags that need to be reviewed, modified and improved. We would like to develop these tags into a controlled vocabulary that our editorial team will use to categorize Open Shelf content in order to improve the discoverability of and access to our content.
The Open Shelf team is a dedicated, creative and collaborative group of volunteers committed to producing quality content each month. Open Shelf is the official magazine of the Ontario Library Association (OLA), published for members and the larger community as a continuing education service to keep them informed of trends and issues affecting the association as well as libraries all across Ontario and beyond. The magazine is a forum for discussion, a place for news, and a source of ideas for the development and improvement of libraries, librarianship, and information management in the province.
If you are interested, please email Editor-in-Chief Martha Attridge Bufton at Please include a CV and statement of interest.
We hope to complete this project by August 31, 2020.