This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New In Open Shelf: May 2021
It seems as though spring has truly sprung by this point in the month, with the warmth and sun finally showing themselves after what was a difficult winter for many. With the sun comes a promise of togetherness, if not now then soon. It conjures visions of sitting outside, perhaps in a park, perhaps in your backyard with a friend or loved one you have not been able to see in far too long and of catching up with one another.
The sentiment of coming together is one which I hope is reflected in this small but mighty issue of Open Shelf. From our second bilingual word of the month and a connected ladder puzzle, to discovering the history of a music library, being formally introduced to the newest member of our editorial team and an InsideOCULA feature detailing strategies for academic librarians who are looking to collaborate with faculty, this issue welcomes you to learn, meet and enjoy.
Our focus on coming together is not limited to this issue either, because alongside our features, we also have a number of exciting announcements for our readers. We are beginning our search for an interim editor-in-chief this month, hoping to welcome a new face and fresh perspective into our team. And we are also announcing our first themed issue of the year: The Open Shelf Unconference Issue. This extra-special issue aims to highlight special, creative and unique ways of expressing and communicating with one another as professionals, and challenges contributors to do so in collaboration with one another.
So, as we start our read of this month’s issue in the same place (here), and move on to features as our interests dictate, here is hoping we can come back together again in all the ways possible. By becoming involved with the incredible editorial team at Open Shelf, by stepping up and sharing your passions with us as a contributor, but mostly, by finding and encouraging connection in your life in every way you can.
Here are the stories we feature this month, in the order that they appear in the magazine:
- From the editor: A formal introduction
- Word of the month/Mots du mois
- Introducing the University of Toronto Music Library: A history
- 793.71: One thing leads to another
- InsideOCULA: Co-authoring colleagues: How librarians can successfully reach out to faculty to collaborate on research
- Call for applications: Interim editor in chief
- Announcing the July unconference issue
- Team up: Opportunities for writing collaborations
- < Code of conduct/ >: Call for coding stories
Also, check out our Twitter account at @OpenShelfOLA.
Have you ever considered writing for Open Shelf? Do you have an idea for a story that you think Open Shelf readers would like to read about? If you answered yes to either of these questions, contact us at and let us know!