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McMaster Libraries Teaching and Learning Mini-Conference: creating community for instruction in academic libraries in Ontario
By Nicole Doro

While the OLA Super Conference happens in Ontario every year, it speaks to libraries writ large and often leaves gaps in programing geared towards academic libraries and instruction in particular. Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is a fantastic conference that highlights instruction in academic libraries in the Canadian context, but since it has such a large geographic scope, it can sometimes feel like opportunities to relate to folks doing similar work in Ontario are non-existent. In response to this gap, and to seek out a community for instruction in academic libraries in Ontario, McMaster University Libraries are hosting a Teaching and Learning Mini-Conference on Friday April 26th.
Renee Thomas-Hill, Elder-in-Residence at McMaster University will open the mini-conference and guide participants in acknowledging the land. Keynote speakers Heather Campbell and Dan Sich will discuss teaching epistemic justice. The rest of the day’s programming will include a panel, lightning talks, poster sessions, round table discussions, and plenty of opportunities to meet and connect with folks teaching in academic libraries in Ontario.
The Mini-Conference will be free to attend; lunch and snacks are provided. The event will be held in-person in L.R. Wilson Hall, on the McMaster University campus in Hamilton, Ontario. Stay tuned to the Teaching and Learning Mini-Conference website for registration (opening mid-March), program information, as well as directions and other local information (coming soon).
Nicole Doro is a Teaching and Learning Librarian at McMaster University Library. You can contact Nicole at dorone@mcmaster.ca.