This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New in Open Shelf: May 1, 2015
What’s New in Open Shelf? is a Table of Contents of sorts. Open Shelf publishes when we have compelling new material. Every two weeks is our plan.
In this release we feature library space, cookbooks, Dina Stevens, and the May issue of InsideOCULA.
“How does this space make me feel?” That’s the question Michelle Haugner asked herself as she launched into a study of library space at the Huron University College Library. Project Goldilocks: Getting Library Learning Space “Just Right” is her response.
As you may know, Access was the print magazine that preceded Open Shelf. Published quarterly for 20 years, Access featured some wonderful and insightful articles. Recognizing that, we are launching a new column, Reprint, which re-issues some of the more memorable and still relevant contributions from that magazine. First up is Tale of Two Cookbooks by Gary Draper, first published in the Fall 2012 issue of Access. What can two different covers of the same cookbook tell us about Canada?
The Random Library Generator column continues under the leadership of Adele Georgievski. This time we meet Dina Stevens. Find out about Dina, pizza dough, engineers, cardigans, and pesky (but wonderful) users.
And finally, this release of Open Shelf includes InsideOCULA for May 2015. The newsletter of the Ontario College and University Libraries Association includes stories about stress busting and naming library publishing initiatives.
As always, let us know what you think of Open Shelf.
…Mike Ridley
Editor-in-Chief, Open Shelf