This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New in Open Shelf: May 15, 2015
What’s New in Open Shelf? is a Table of Contents of sorts. Open Shelf publishes when we have compelling new material. Every two weeks is our plan.
In this release we feature community-led libraries, UX and translation, apps for RA, and the tech savvy child.
In his column, Open for All?, John Pateman has been exploring aspects of the community-led public library. In The Community-Led Public Library he summarizes the key messages.
Do user experience (UX) and website translation play together well? Only if you plan ahead. Lynne Bowker and Jairo Buitrago Ciro explain in User Experience and Translatability: Compatible or in Conflict?
Apps rule! In Readers’ Advisory – There’s an App for That! Kristen Caschera provides some suggestions for you and your users.
Kids are tech savvy. And as a result they are engaging in e-reading in interesting and insightful ways. In The Tech Savvy Child E-reading: Children’s Experiences and Perceptions of E-Book Reading, Lynne McKechnie and Kathleen Schreurs explain.
As always, let us know what you think of Open Shelf.
…Mike Ridley
Editor-in-Chief, Open Shelf