Erika Heeson
Erika Heesen is the CEO/Chief Librarian at the Perth and District Union Public Library. She is a lifelong library patron, and remembers many hours browsing…
Erika Heesen is the CEO/Chief Librarian at the Perth and District Union Public Library. She is a lifelong library patron, and remembers many hours browsing…
Catherine Fournier is Management Librarian at University of Ottawa. She can be contacted at catherine.fournier [at] uottawa [dot] ca.
Helen Tang is a Public Service Librarian, East Asian Library, at University of Toronto. She can be contacted at helent.tang [at] utoronto [dot] ca
Jordan Pedersen is a Metadata Librarian at the University of Toronto Libraries, and an eager Library Carpentries instructor. She thinks of her work as…
Eva McDonald is the librarian faculty union steward at Centennial College. She can be reached at emcdonald [at]
Jillian Sparks is the Special Collections Librarian at W.D. Jordan Rare Books and Special Collections, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. She holds a MLIS and…
Michelle Goodridge holds a Master of Arts in History (2011) and a Master of Library and Information Science (2014) – both from The University…
Katy Anderson is an digital rights advocate at OpenMedia, an organization that works to keep the internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. OpenMedia creates community-driven…
Michael B. McNally is an assistant professor at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta and his research interests…
Julie Anderson is the Manager, Content Management at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. She has spent her career there as a library technician, collections…
Sarah Hurford is is a senior archivist in the Archives Branch of Library and Archives Canada/Government of Canada. She has worked in various capacities…
Monique Manatach is a member of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, a small community located in La Verendrye Provincial Parc, QC. She is a…