April 1, 2017
In this special issue, we bring to the forefront some very bizarre stories. While they may have eluded the mainstream news outlets, these stories…
In this special issue, we bring to the forefront some very bizarre stories. While they may have eluded the mainstream news outlets, these stories…
Shaz Stevenson from the Open Shelf Public Library (OSPL) has shared with us a story of a request from a strange visitor for a…
The Conservative Party leadership race is really starting to heat up now that libraries have become one of the key areas for discussion and…
President Trump took some time out of his busy tweeting schedule to speak to us, the Library Fake News Network (L.F.N.N.), about one of…
Last year we reported that University of Guelph students had staged a sit-in over the planned removal of the Library’s paper abstracts and indexes.…
Dana Craig is the Environmental Studies Liaison Librarian at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her work has revolved around teaching and advocacy in academia and…
Jeff Dodge is the Collection Development Librarian at Vaughan Public Libraries. He currently sits on the OPLA Readers’ Advisory Committee and the Evergreen Award…
In this release, we're back with an OLA featured member along with some info trends, John Pateman's Open for all? and a new podcast…
Featuring trends and happenings in information institutions at home and abroad.
Here is the bird's eye (view) from our president and executive director. Leslie Weir and Shelagh Patterson are happy to share their thoughts on SuperConference and…
Leslie Weir est devenue bibliothécaire et archiviste du Canada le 30 août 2019. Avant son arrivée à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Mme Weir…
Whenever I travel around the world I always visit the local public library because I think that this is an indicator of how progressive…
Meet one of OLA’s 5,000 members. An interview with random OLA member #35: Sharon Bailey – Interim Manager, Library Services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health…