This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New in Open Shelf: February 5, 2018
In this, our first issue of 2018, we are thinking about relationships—between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, regulations in Canada and the U.S., and libraries that are building game collections. We’re also introducing some new columns and putting out the call for collecting political materials.
Do we have feature articles? Yes! Net neutrality: Is the end in sight, showcases internet pundits Michael McNally and Katy Anderson as they unpack the recent FCC decision to repeal U.S. internet regulations. Julie Anderson, who manages content at the Legislative Library of Ontario, explains in Campaign literature why we should pass long leaflets, posters and other swag to be archived. And Sarah Macintyre tells us in Guns, knives & other prohibited items why we need robust 3D printer policies. Finally, Canada 151 presents two visions of Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations as we start the next 100 years of life in our country.
Complementing this exploration of relationships is John Pateman’s latest Open for All? column in which he explores decolonization. And both Todd Kyle and Michelle Goodridge debut new columns. In Safe spaces, Todd enters the “cultural wars” fray while Michelle opens an on-going conversation about everything and anything to do with games in libraries in Game on!
Last, but not least, the InsideOCULA team brings you their latest newsletter, which is chock-a-block full of articles related to academic libraries.
We hope you enjoy this read-fest and look forward to hearing back from you–don’t forget to answer our net neutrality poll: Are you going to do a shout-out to the CRTC about equality of data?