This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s new in Open Shelf: May 2018
What’s your vision—of your career, your library services, or the global community?
This month, we’ve got articles that present ideas or experiences that can help us be transformative in our practices. Here are our features and columns (in order of publication):
- What is Arduino? As Jonathan Miller explains in Micro-controlled tinkering, it’s a cool open source platform that helps us get in touch with our inner tinker-er, using 3D printing.
- IFLA is into the next phase of its Global Vision initiative and Shelagh Paterson brings us up-to-date on the North American regional meeting in #IFLAGlobalVision.
- There is never enough time or money for all the Professional Development we might want to do so Stacey Lapp shares her tips for leveraging social media to make PD happen.
- Inquiring minds want to know: What are the rewards and challenges of smalle(er) libraries? In Small(er) libraries, Kelly Thompson and Erika Heeson report out from last month’s survey.
- Finally, check out how Laura Peacock goes about Uncovering “next reads” in Readers’ Advisory and Rachel Di Cresce is featured in the latest edition of The IT Crowd.
Finally, don’t forget to take this month’s poll:
Are you already using social media for professional development?
As always, we hope you enjoy the show.