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Raising your profile: Open Shelf social media update
Promoting Open Shelf over social media has become more important than ever. In response, our new social media team (Andrea Wheeldon, Amber Matthews, and Wallis Sung) is helping those who contribute articles and other content to the magazine to make the most of this opportunity. By connecting with our contributors, our team wants to make the experience as streamlined and effective as possible.
Now when you contribute an article to Open Shelf, you will be provided with our Social Media Guide as well as a link to a questionnaire to help our team to connect with you. Our guide is a helpful primer on using social media to promote your content, and includes tips on how you can work with us to share your ideas through the Open Shelf Twitter account. We are also interested in hearing from you about how you currently use social media, and any handles or hashtags that can be included in your article’s promotion.
We want to do all we can to help your content find as many readers as possible. Even if social media isn’t your natural habitat, we can help you leverage its strengths to share your expertise and experience.
Read more information about contributing to Open Shelf and follow us on Twitter @OpenShelfMagazine.
Andrea Wheeldon leads the Open Shelf social media team and works as a clerk at a public library. She has also managed social media for small businesses, including her own. Andrea loves gardening, reading and is learning how to homeschool.
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