Teaching in a virtual environment is challenging, particularly when we depend on others to provide basic support, such as screen sharing. Evan our love for technology cannot overcome some disruptions.

Memespiration: What do you want from Santa?
It is hard to believe we are now well into the month of December. It feels like yesterday that fall courses at the university were just beginning.
With the winter season on the horizon, those of us in academic libraries are also well into the “final assignment” season. If you’re like me, at this time of year you get a lot of research questions coming in via email. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “Can you check my citations?”
Some citations can be tricky, so when I get a question about a specific citation, I work with the student to find the answer in the appropriate style guide such as the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style. While we go through the process together, at the end of the day I get the student to write their own citations.
Although I love helping students with their research, sometimes students want me to review their entire citation list.
However, I take an approach that is guided by the proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” . . . which has led me to this month’s Memespiration.
Happy holidays everyone!
Ryan Tucci (MLIS) is a subject specialist in Research Support Services at the Carleton University Library. He is also a blogger at 8Bit Librarian.