This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s New in Open Shelf: April 2021
The Oscars are this month (having been delayed from their original February date this year) and this month at Open Shelf we want to channel the glitz and glamour by unfurling a proverbial red carpet and introducing a series of extra-special features and new columns.

Our opening shot is of a new and exciting partnership with Library Lexique: a resource hub for incorporating French language tools into libraries. This month, we feature their excellent phrase of the month (and will continue to do so going forward) as well as a teaser trailer of contributions to come.
From algorithmic wordplay to powerpoint programming, learning from workshops which don’t quite take, and experiences in a progressing library career, our contributors are sure to interest, delight and inform! We also feature a return of 793.73, this time testing your knowledge of women at the Oscars. This is joined by B-Roll, a new column examining the history of horror films at those same awards (and providing some suggestions to consider adding to your collections).
As the orchestra swells, we also welcome an ongoing column in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the University of Toronto Music Library, where Janneka Guise guides us through its origins and gives us a taste of what’s to come throughout the rest of the year.
Here are the stories we feature this month, in the order that they appear in the magazine:
- Word of the month: Slam poet
- Introducing the University of Toronto Music Library
- Nightmare Academy: Horror at the Oscars
- What we talk about when we talk about algorithms
- If you build workshops, they still might not come
- culture@work, featuring Cecilia Tellis
- “Sliding” into a new approach to storytime
- 793.71: #OscarsSoBro
Also, check out our Twitter account at @OpenShelfOLA.
Have you ever considered writing for Open Shelf? Do you have an idea for a story that you think Open Shelf readers would like to read about? If you answered yes to either of these questions, contact us at and let us know!