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Rudi Denham

Recently retired after 35 years as a professional librarian, Rudi Denham is a freelance writer with multiple articles published in professional journals such as…

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Ruth Collings

Ruth Collings  is a librarian in Toronto interested in privacy, accessibility, and technology in patron-focused libraries.  She can be reached via contact [at] or at…

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Lynne Bowker

Lynne Bowker is a Full Professor at the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa. She holds a PhD in Language Engineering…

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Amanda Etches

Amanda Etches is the Associate Chief Librarian at the University of Guelph Library. You can find more of her writings and doodles at She…

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Jennifer Leveridge

Jennifer Leveridge is the Community Services Librarian at the Newmarket Public Library where she is responsible for the York Info Community Information & Volunteer…

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Lu Xiao

Dr. Lu Xiao is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FMIS) at Western University where she leads the Human-Information…

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John Pateman

John Pateman has worked in public libraries for 42 years in a number of different roles ranging from library assistant to chief librarian. He…

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Todd Kyle

Todd Kyle is CEO of the Newmarket (ON) Public Library and former Chair of the CLA Information Policy Advisory Committee. He blogs at…

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Chris Graves

Chris Graves is the Associate University Archivist / Records Manager at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia.

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Mike Ridley

Michael Ridley is a Librarian Emeritus at the University of Guelph. He is also a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Information and Media…

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