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Tracy Munusami

Tracy Munusami is the Manager of Service Excellence at the Oshawa Public Libraries. Tracy has had her own experiences with language and labels as a mixed-race…

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Isabel Espinal

Isabel Espinal (MLIS, PhD) is a Research Services Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is the librarian for Afro American Studies, Latin…

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Arvind Singh

Arvind Singh is the chair of the OLA Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Task Force and an Information Clerk at the Hamilton Public Library.
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Corinne Abba

Corinne Abba, (pronouns: she/her) is an academic librarian currently seconded to the role of AODA Coordinator for Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Services at…

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Heather Buffett

Heather Buffett, (pronouns: she/her) is the Copyright and Open Access librarian at George Brown College. She can be reached at hbuffett [at]

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Dwayne Collins

Dwayne Collins is Digital Scholarship and Innovation Librarian at Trent University. You can contact him at dwaynecollins [at], or follow him on Twitter…

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