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Library IT Crowd

Rachel Di Cresce

Welcome to The Library IT Crowd, a column brought to you by the Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA). We showcase some of the…

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Stacey Lapp

Stacey Lapp works at the FIMS Graduate Library at the University of Western Ontario and is an alumna of the Western MLIS program. Prior…

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Jonathan Mitchell

Jonathan Mitchell has been a library assistant at St. Thomas Public Library since 2015. In addition to leading Creators’ Corner makerspace programs, Jonathan also…

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Laura Peacock

Laura Peacock, Information Services Librarian, works at the Kitchener Public Library. She specializes in Readers’ Advisory, running book club, and other reading for pleasure…

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Thomas Guignard

Thomas Guignard is Director of Services at the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS). He is also a member of the InsideOCULA editorial team, a…

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