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Graham Lavender

Graham is Bibliothécaire en Relations industrielles, Sciences économiques et Données statistiques à l'Université de Montréal. Previously, he worked as an academic librarian at the…

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Jessica Hymers

Jessica Hymers is the Metadata Production and Electronic Access Specialist at Scholars Portal at the University of Toronto. She has a BSc and is…

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James Mason

James Mason is the Metadata and Digital Initiatives Librarian for the Music Library at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining the U of…

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David Gerstle

David S. Gerstle is Reference and Instruction Librarian at University of Toronto Mississauga. He has most recently participated in the research project, “Promoting Digital Literacy…

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eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit organization funded by the Government of Ontario that supports Ontario’s colleges, universities, and Indigenous institutes. We build systems that are…

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