This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s new in Open Shelf?: July 2019
It’s that time again! This is our last issue before September and we are gearing up for two exciting “call out” opportunities:
A call for a story editor and a call for innovative library stories.
This month, we have a variety of stories, from working in a hospital library to looking for work as a new grad to finding that perfect podcast:
- Each day is interesting: Supporting research and innovation at a regional health centre
- Introducing OLA’s Advocacy Toolkit
- Food for thought and hope for new librarians in a precarious job market
- At the centre: A conversation with First Nations teacher Amanda Moosemay
- Public Library Leaders program
- New! Rural Public Libraries Conference
- Readers’ Advisory: Podcasts for book lovers
- Library IT Crowd
See you in September!
Photo by Link Hoang on Unsplash