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What’s New In Open Shelf: May 2021

It seems as though spring has truly sprung by this point in the month, with the warmth and sun finally showing themselves after what was a difficult winter for many. With the sun comes a promise of togetherness, if not now then soon. It conjures visions of sitting outside, perhaps in a park, perhaps in your backyard with a friend or loved one you have not been able to see in far too long and of catching up with one another. 
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Open Shelf: Unconference Issue

Announcing the July unconference issue

Open Shelf is proud to announce that our upcoming July issue will have a special theme: The Open Shelf Unconference Issue! Inspired by these participant-led and organized conferences, we want to encourage innovative and engaging discussion and dynamic topics which are dictated by contributors' interests.
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Image Of A Manual Typewriter With The Words From The Editor Typed On A Piece Of Paper In The Typewriter

Introductions are in order

While I have been formally introduced to the readership of Open Shelf since I began my stint as Deputy Editor, I recently realized I have yet to properly introduce myself (Hello, how are you?) and put a face and personality to the name you see in email responses from the Open Shelf email address.
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One thing leads to another

You know how it is - you borrow a movie from the library but then you keep it too long. Now you have a fine, so you go to the library to pay it off, but while you’re there you see a book that you want to read so you borrow it. When you return the book, you see that it’s been made into a movie, so you borrow that, knowing you’ll probably keep it late again.
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