Co-authoring colleagues: how librarians can successfully reach out to faculty to collaborate on research
Michelle Goodridge shares strategies to help librarians approach faculty members for research collaborations.
In 1921, the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto (which was established in 1918) took over the operation of what was then the Toronto Conservatory of Music’s library. This year marks our 100th anniversary, and we are grateful to the editors of Open Shelf for the opportunity to document our history, current state and special collections in a series of articles over the coming months. This month, we will introduce the Music Library as it stands today.
The 99 AI Challenge – open learning at the University of Toronto
Mike Serafin shares a program from the University of Toronto Libraries that brought together members of the community to learn about Artificial Intelligence.
Indigenous Canada: A Massive, Open, Online Course (MOOC) worth taking
What do the library at the University of Ottawa and Dan Levy, who played David on Schitt’s Creek, have in common? The Indigenous Canada MOOC! Librarians at the University of Ottawa also provided opportunities for colleagues to complete the MOOC in 2019 – 2020.
A sadder wiser boy: World War II letter sheds light on human resilience
While many of us couldn’t join others in a formal university ceremony on Remembrance Day, first-hand accounts of war-time events (e.g., archival letters) can help us all “apprehend the complexities of the human condition” that are central to our collective memory.
Memespiration: What do you want from Santa?
With the winter season on the horizon, those of us in academic libraries are well into the “final assignment” season and answering research questions such as, “Can you check my citations?”
L’Université de l’Ontario français : repenser la bibliothèque universitaire?
Après une longue attente, la nouvelle Université de l’Ontario français (UOF) accueillera enfin sa première cohorte d’é en septembre 2021. Malgré tout le travail accompli, il reste encore beaucoup à faire.
Back to blogging: Revitalizing blogs in the age of COVID
Staff at the University of Toronto Music Library have gone "back to blogging" and this form of outreach has proven to be a successful way to keep in touch with patrons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grey is the new black: Changing library instruction virtually
Our experience in designing and delivering a grey lit workshop tells us that grad students are eager to learn these skills and put them to use in either a face-to-face or a virtual classroom.
APA tutorial take two: The benefits of OERs and Pressbooks across sectors
Open educational resources (OERs) can facilitate the creation of online tutorials and helpful resources—across sectors. And platforms like Pressbooks help create effective OERs.
Taking responsibility: A single source may be CRAP when talking about governance
In this third installment, we look at the CRAP test, a method for thinking critically about information and sources, and then use it to unpack Diane Francis’s within wider debates in Aboriginal law and Indigenous critical theory.