This month, Trevor Deck walks us through the library’s collection development mandates, scope and goals.

What’s new in Open Shelf: December 2018
Music credit: Sean Bufton
Our last issue of Open Shelf for 2018 … and it’s a time to hear from new(er) as well as more familiar voices:
- Readers’ advisory, Open for all? and the Library IT Crowd
- Our colleagues on the OLA Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Task Force
- Rudi Denham, who is doing a limited series column called What is a library?
- Caroline Goulding, one of our northern colleagues
- And last, but not least, the InsideOCULA team
Finally, we are happy to be welcoming our new digital editors: Rashed Ahmad, Devon O’Leary and Kelly Thompson.
As we welcome new contributors and editors, we also say goodbye to Graeme Campbell, who is finishing his term as the editor-in-chief for InsideOCULA. Graeme is passing the torch to Rob Makinson and Jennifer Robinson and we look forward to working with them. At the same time, we will miss working with Graeme who brings an eagle eye to detail and a thoughtful approach to editorial decision making from which we have greatly benefited. Thank you, Graeme.
Here’s what we’ve lined up for the winter solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas (in the order in which the articles appear):
- From the editor: Unpacking harm and offence
- InsideOCULA
- The holidays in small libraries
- Dinner for one (Thomas Guignard)
- Due North (Caroline Goulding)
- What is a library? (Rudi Denham)
- Readers’ advisory (Reagan Kapasi)
- Open for all? (John Pateman)
- culture@work (OLA Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Task Force)
- The IT Crowd (Monica Socol and Sarah Macintyre)
- Super Conference: Open Shelf hack-a-thon
- For-credit IL courses: Do you teach one?
Plus, please take our poll: Tell us which movie is at the top of your list for enjoying a winter’s day (or night).
However you celebrate this time of year, we hope that you have many joyful celebrations with family and friends. And please, join us back here in 2019.
Martha Attridge Bufton, Editor-in-Chief
Nikolina Likarevic, Deputy Editor
Rashed Ahmad, Digital Editor
Devon O’Leary, Digital Copy Editor
Kelly Thompson, Digital Editor