Even RA in a Day is about more than just books
The last bastion of democracy
Listening your way to better RA
Intercultural competency
Open for all? offers a “think piece“ rather than an intellectual analysis. Columnist John Pateman shares his personal observations on issues and his columns…
Unlevel playing field
“Twenty Questions” works: Recommending e-resources
RA in a Day 2018: Bringing Readers’ Advisory online
Race matters
Just-in-time training: DIY online RA education
Nothing lasts forever—especially when it comes to training. Consistently learning, growing and refreshing your skills is not just for new professionals, but a value-added…
Class matters
Social class is the most significant single determinant of public library use and non-use. A recent study in the U.K. found that 46 per…
Uncovering “next reads”: Moving from popular fiction to less visible titles
There’s nothing more thrilling for me than having conversations with readers about what they’re reading. It’s definitely easier to have these exchanges if we’ve…
John Vincent: Libraries, the universe & everything
I interviewed John Vincent by email in February, 2018. I have known John since we were both chief librarians in London in the 1990s.…