Unlock career success as a new MLIS graduate with tips on building in-person connections, honing key skills, and seizing opportunities for growth and advancement.
Each of us probably has a system we use to help us prepare for and participate in the interview process. Although there may be an art to doing an interview, having a strategy for preparing for the process can help us practice a bit of science as well.
My journey to a library technician position began five months before graduation. Starting so early helped me relax gave me the time to do the necessary research, refine and alter my approach, and face rejections.
Our conversation around the opening statement “A master’s degree in library science should be required for anyone wanting to be a librarian. True or false? And why?” finishes with this third panel.
Both the library closure and the closure of all publicly funded schools and child care centres after March break have left me curious to know which online resources will assist me and other parents like me who now find themselves with home-schooling responsibilities.
To have a degree or not to have a degree? That is indeed the question … for our panellists and also clearly for many of us in the library profession. Join us for our second live panel discussion on April 8.
To have a degree or not to have a degree? That is indeed the question … for our panellists and also clearly for many of us in the library profession. Join us for our live panel discussion.
A friend and I are both looking for work in libraries and expect to work evening and weekend shifts. We both have children who need adequate child care while we're at work.
It’s been six months since I finished my master’s degree and I’ve been applying for work ever since. Recent job-vacancy stats indicate, however, it can be hard to find work in the information sector.