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Micheline Persaud: une pionnière des services en français dans les bibliothèques de l’Ontario

Micheline Persaud (née Boyer) occupe une place de choix dans l’histoire des services en français des bibliothèques de l’Ontario. Franco-ontarienne née à Ottawa en 1943, son parcours professionnel échelonné sur près de trois décennies nous rappelle le contexte effervescent des années 1960 à 1990 y compris les mouvements de revendications ainsi que la croissance rapide et les transformations dans le secteur des bibliothèques publiques, des services jeunesse et des services en français en Ontario.
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793.73: Quotable creeps

Douglas Davey is our cryptic crossword creator and puzzler extraordinaire. This month, 793.73 provides our readers with a chilling trivia match game that is sure to appeal to fans of horror films. And, if you’re certain that you have a mind for monster movies, you can always try sorting them by their release year as well. 
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Crazy from the Heat

Summer may be winding down, but we still have some longer days remaining and so, I decided to focus on the sun as a theme. The sun that warms can also burn and strange things can occur under Sol’s harsh glare. While high tension films are usually associated with darkness, these films prove that dramas can be just as riveting in the light of day.
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793.73: VOX POPULI

This month, 793.73 offers us up a “crossward” themed around some of the hosts and journalists from throughout the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s history. The answer to each hint fits into one of the rows of the acrostic below, but it’s up to you to sort out where.
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