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Tammy Thornton

Tammy Thornton is the Manager of the Libraries and Student Learning Centre at Algonquin College. She can be reached at thorntt [at]

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Robert Smith

Robert Smith is a Subject Specialist at Carleton University Library.  He is co-author of The protean challenge of game collections at academic libraries. He…

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Unlevel playing field

White middle class professional library values can create an unlevel playing field for Indigenous organizations and individuals. How? By privileging one world view over another.
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What’s new in Open Shelf: December 2018

Our last issue of Open Shelf for 2018 … and it’s a time to hear from new(er) as well as more familiar voices, including three newly appointed digital editors. Learn about organizational renewal at four Ontario academic libraries, how small libraries celebrate holidays in their communities, and the chair of OLA's Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Task Force. All this and more ...
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