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Call for Content Summer 2024 Issue

We’re looking for content for the Summer 2024 issue.

Features and Columns

Micro-controlled tinkering: Designing Arduino kits using 3D printing

Arduino is a fascinating and fun project for people who like to tinker with objects that they find around them. Originally introduced at an Italian design institute, Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that lets everyone, from the beginner to the expert, create interactive projects. By bringing Arduino and 3D printing together, we’ve extended the…


I recently had the opportunity to attend the second regional workshop of the IFLA Global Vision Initiative (the first one was May 2017 in Washington D.C.). This project, funded by the Gates Foundation as part of the Global Libraries initiative and led by IFLA, gathered 45 North American library and archival association executives and presidents…

Professional development: Leverage social media to stay connected and informed

Professional development (PD) is vital to our personal and work-related growth but it can be challenging to find the time to stay current with what is happening in the world of information professionals. I’ve found that social media can be a great way to supplement professional development, saving time as well as dollars. Here are…

Small(er) libraries: Survey highlights impact & funding

Last month, we shared our conversation about working in small(er) libraries and then asked our colleagues who work in similar libraries to weigh in by answering two survey questions: What do you find most rewarding about working in a smaller or rural library? What do you find most challenging about working in a smaller or…

Uncovering “next reads”: Moving from popular fiction to less visible titles

There’s nothing more thrilling for me than having conversations with readers about what they’re reading. It’s definitely easier to have these exchanges if we’ve both read the same book—hence why book clubs abound—but what happens when we run out of shared topics? How does one become more comfortable making connections for readers and learn to…

Rachel Di Cresce

Welcome to The Library IT Crowd, a column brought to you by the Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA). We showcase some of the great librarians and library professionals currently working with technology, get to know them, and share their experiences. We hope we can inspire you, and shed some light onto what goes on…

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