What’s new in Open Shelf: July 2018
Values in action: This idea is the focus of a conversation about governance but of course it imbues all the materials written for Open…
What’s new in Open Shelf: June 2018
Awareness and inclusiveness go hand in hand—in an ideal world. This month, we offer opportunities to think about and make accessibility happen. We are…
What’s new in Open Shelf: May 2018
What’s your vision—of your career, your library services, or the global community? This month, we've got articles that present ideas or experiences that can…
What’s New in Open Shelf – April 2018
We put great store in being transformative—fundamentally changing how we think and what we do. So we owe a debt to folks like John…
What’s new in Open Shelf: March 2, 2018
Cultural ownership, advocacy and engaging readers in new materials are topics we tackle in Open Shelf this month. Kasey (Mallen) Whalley, a school library…
What’s New in Open Shelf: February 5, 2018
In this, our first issue of 2018, we are thinking about relationships—between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, regulations in Canada and the U.S., and libraries…
What’s New in Open Shelf: December 7, 2017
Welcome to this, our last issue of 2017. We are featuring makerspaces and making culturally responsive libraries, as well as the final installment in…
July 15, 2017
In this Issue, we continue our Canada 150 series with the latest addition to the It's Elementary column. Author Jennifer Brown discusses her ongoing…
July 1, 2017
We have a wide-range of things for you to read as we all return to work after the long Canada Day weekend. It seems…
June 15, 2017
The month of June is LGBT Pride Month and we are lucky enough to have this Issue's Trees and Forests column contribute to the…