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What's New in Open Shelf

Call for Content Summer 2024 Issue

We’re looking for content for the Summer 2024 issue.

Features and Columns

The Research Hub: A remote collaboration story

It is challenging enough to work on a project with a team based within the same organization. Now imagine doing so in a fully remote or virtual setting with colleagues representing a number of different library systems.

Teen Lunch Bunch: Building trust and community at the Niagara Falls Public Library

It all started in the fall of 2017. Teens from the nearby high school mysteriously started appearing at one of our small  branch library locations over the lunch hour. Week by week, the group grew, and so did the noise and food … and the sidelong looks from adult customers.

Canada’s Crown Copyright: Outdated and unnecessary

Librarians and library staff often act as mediators between writers and readers, a relationship that is informed, in part, by Canada’s Copyright Act.

Le droit d’auteur de la Couronne au Canada: une disposition désuète et inutile

Les bibliothécaires et le personnel des bibliothèques agissent souvent comme médiateurs entre les auteurs et les lecteurs. Cette relation s’inspire en partie de la loi canadienne sur le droit d’auteur.

RA in a Day 2018: Bringing Readers’ Advisory online

Every year, the OPLA Readers’ Advisory Committee brings together some of the best readers’ advisory advocates to share their knowledge and expertise on meeting the needs of adult readers.

Open call for applications

Do you love the library world of ideas, activities, trends, and issues? Would you like to work as a member of a creative team that shares stories about libraries in Ontario? Does the opportunity to hone your technical skills in an online environment appeal to you? Then consider volunteering as an Open Shelf digital editor! Reporting…

More columns

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