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What's New in Open Shelf

Call for Student Writers

Calling all student writers! Interested in attending OLA Super Conference for the first time? Consider writing about your experience.

Features and Columns

“Strat man” and advocacy

We are embarked on a strategic planning process that we hope will enable the Open Shelf editorial team and board to identify the “value add” of the publication to OLA members and align with OLA’s strategic goals.

The world according to … whom? Mapping and talking about stereotypes

I wonder if students sitting in front of a large display outside my office have noticed that the subject is potent: Stereotypes.

Navigating professional relationships

As library professionals working across a diverse field, we experience tensions and triumphs as we work together. From discord to discourse promotes our capacity to be effective collaborators and co-workers.

A wonderful time in my neighbourhood: Supporting the Bostwick Library

Libraries are public spaces where people meet, take out books and study. Libraries hold communities together.

A library is: PEOPLE

A library is clearly “place” in the sense of a physical space filled with books, posters, signs and desks. But just as obviously, a library is also people.

Listening your way to better RA

Everyone knows listening is a major starting point to any readers’ advisory (RA) transaction and listening to podcasts can play an important role before the interview even starts.

Marni Tam

This month The Library IT crowd features Marni Tam.

Journée congrès: L’ABO-Franco

Le conseil francophone de l’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario (L’ABO-Franco) recherche des professionnels de l’information qui désireraient présenter une communication.

Claim this space

This particular blank space is waiting for members of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) community to fill it up, decorate it, contribute.

Miss the last issue of Open Shelf? Read it now!

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