Values in action: A conversation about library governance
“To govern: To conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people).” As is so often the case, the dictionary definition…
“To govern: To conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people).” As is so often the case, the dictionary definition…
The Safe spaces column is an attempt to explore today’s persistent socio-cultural debates in light of the alleged values of the librarian profession: intellectual freedom, equity,…
Dr. Mark Bullen is an adjunct Professor in the Master of Educational Technology (MET) program at the University of British Columbia. He was centrally…
Kerry Badgley is a proud board member of the North Grenville Public Library, and has served as its president. At present, he is President…
Wayne Jones is the University Librarian at Carleton University. He has held previous positions at Queen’s University, MIT, and the National Library of Canada, and…
Kasey (Mallen) Whalley has been working in and with libraries for over ten years. After completing her undergraduate degree in English from McMaster University,…
Awareness and inclusiveness go hand in hand—in an ideal world. This month, we offer opportunities to think about and make accessibility happen. We are…
Ko tēnēi te mihi ki te tangata o te whenua nei. Karanga mai, mihi mai, karanga atu ra. I would like to acknowledge the…
Many of us take web access for granted—we do not have special needs which might complicate our interaction with web interfaces or prevent our…
Social class is the most significant single determinant of public library use and non-use. A recent study in the U.K. found that 46 per…
Canada’s Copyright Act was amended in 2012. These changes have had an impact on the legal rights of authors, including photographers. In 2015, Margaret…