uOttawa library organizational renewal project
By Liz Hayden The University of Ottawa Library has embarked on a comprehensive organizational renewal to ensure that its structure is well-positioned for the…
Catching the next wave? Streaming video in academic libraries
By Aaron Lupton, Ian Gordon and Helen Salmon In a recent editorial, Erik Martin (2018) effectively describes why streaming video is so compelling: quoting…
Organizational renewal at Queen’s University Library
By Nathalie Soini In 2014, Queen’s University Library embarked on a public services review to determine how best to work within our resources while…
OCULA Free Webinar Series and Virtual Journal Club
By Melanie Parlette-Stewart Within such a diverse sector, it can be difficult to keep up to date on all of the issues that arise.…
Trent Library donates 250,000 monographs to Open Library
By Dwayne Collins This fall, Trent University’s Thomas J. Bata Library will wrap up a significant transformation project that will see the building renewed…
New beginnings – New Year’s resolutions for fall: OCULA president’s message
By Melanie Parlette-Stewart Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.” ― Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's I’ve…
Driving towards conformance: a WCAG 2.0 field trip
By Aneta Kwak, Mariana Jardim and Mark Weiler Introduction: Pack your bags Do you remember the excitement of field trips in school? We want…
Paper covers rock: how the Marrakesh Treaty can move Canadian libraries out of the Stone Age
By Corinne Abba & Heather Buffett In 2016, Canada became the 20th country to accede to The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published…
Special [digital] collections make for special [digital] connections
By Jennifer Toews The recent re-launch of the digital special collections of the University of Toronto Libraries ensures continued free and open access to…
Ontario colleges celebrate 10 years of askON
By Siobán Linnen OLA 2018 marked the 10th anniversary of the askON Virtual Reference service, which launched at the OLA SuperConference in 2008 as…