Call For Stories
Knowledge and expertise in the field of library and information science (LIS) can take us anywhere. Sometimes, we find work and build careers in…
Seeking nominations
Kids’ lit folks: Join the OLA Best Bets Committee
Calling all Mentors and Mentees: OLA Mentor Match
The OLA Mentoring Committee is dedicated to developing and implementing sustainable mentoring-related activities and services for OLA members and for library education programs in…
Trends … here & around the world
Featuring trends and happenings in information institutions at home and abroad.
Closing the Sale in a Tough Job Market: OCULA President’s Message
In my previous message for InsideOCULA, I discussed the challenges that meet recent library program graduates. While new library workers struggle to gain a…
Adventures in OCULA co-planning
Looking for an opportunity to engage with the larger library world beyond your walls? Perhaps you should consider volunteering as an OLA Super Conference co-planner.…
Let Them In: Volunteers in Academic Libraries
In the fall of 2012 I was a third year history undergrad at the University of Guelph with a growing sense of angst about…
Run From the Numbers
When the volunteer role of divisional council treasurer is up for grabs, the response is often any of the following: stone silence, recoiling in horror,…
Unpaid Labour in Ontario Academic Libraries
Our research interest is the extent to which unpaid internships are used in the library sector, and the perspectives of the individuals fulfilling these…
Nominations: Awards and council positions
It’s September! Students are back on campus and the days are getting shorter. Here at OCULA we are starting to think about awards and…