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What's New in Open Shelf

Call for Content Summer 2024 Issue

We’re looking for content for the Summer 2024 issue.

Features and Columns

Whither libraries in telecom policy?

Telecommunications policy may not be viewed as a core issue in the LIS field but the policy asserts a primary influence on the digital divides including issues of rural broadband connectivity and of digital literacy.

InsideOCULA newsletter: February 2019

In this month’s issue of InsideOCULA, we begin by continuing our look at renewal initiatives, then explore special collections and events in two Ontario university libraries. Lastly, we have the final installment of the OCULA president’s column by Melanie Parlette-Stewart.

Enriching learning through game-based pedagogy

Games can increase learner attention and retention—for learners of all ages.

Elearning: A multi-faceted experience

Finding meaningful applications for technology in the classroom is important but sometimes difficult.

Wakanda’s library: Afrofuturism and Black History Month

Coinciding with Black History Month, Rhea Smith discusses Afrofuturism, a way of exploring the future positively.

60 years of service: First Nation public libraries in Ontario

First Nation libraries, like the one in Moose Factory, make profound contributions to their communities.

Inclusive librarianship: On white fragility

Because whiteness functions as normative and invisible, it is often very difficult for white people specifically to see whiteness.

LGBTQ+: 2018 in review

We look back on 2018, noting domestic and international issues that have impacted LGBTQ+ people.

Intercultural competency

Open for all? offers a “think piece“ rather than an intellectual analysis. Columnist John Pateman shares his personal observations on issues and his columns are designed to promote discussion and professional debate. He has arrived at his conclusions after 40 years of working in public libraries of/in all types and locations. “Culture is more often…

Journée congrès: L’ABO-Franco

Le conseil francophone de l’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario (L’ABO-Franco) recherche des professionnels de l’information qui désireraient présenter une communication, partager les résultats d’une initiative, animer une table ronde ou un atelier, ou faire partie d’un panel de discussion lors de sa première journée congrès. Celle-ci aura lieu à Ottawa, le 27 mai 2019. Il…

Claim this space

This particular blank space is waiting for members of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) community to fill it up, decorate it, contribute.

For-credit IL courses: Do you teach one?

If you are (or have been) participating in a for-credit IL course at a Canadian university or college, we’d love to hear from you.  

Miss the last issue of Open Shelf? Read it now!

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It’s Academy Award time … what’s your pick for best picture?

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