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What's New in Open Shelf

Call for Content Summer 2024 Issue

We’re looking for content for the Summer 2024 issue.

Features and Columns

To volunteer

April 19-15, 2020 was National Volunteer Week in Canada. OLA recognized the many members of the library sector in Ontario that contribute to the strength and success of the association, including those who produce Open Shelf.

Zoom, zoom . . .

This is how I imagine someone scheduled to host a meeting looks when they try to sneak quietly into an already started Zoom meeting…

Animal therapy or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the quarantine

From therapy animals to household pets to wildlife, many of us know firsthand the power that animals have to improve our mood and add healthy behaviours to our lives. Especially during a crisis.

Hospital librarianship during the COVID-19 pandemic

I’m still going to work because, while I’m a librarian, my library serves hospital leadership and front-line health workers.

Librarians need an MLIS: True or false? (Round III)

Our conversation around the opening statement “A master’s degree in library science should be required for anyone wanting to be a librarian. True or false? And why?” finishes with this third panel.

Theory in practice II: Moving from systemic racism to anti-racism in Ontario public libraries

There is a strong need to explicitly acknowledge deeply embedded racist thinking in order to move towards systemic change in public libraries. 

Indigenous metadata and reconciliation: A reflection on the 2020 OCULA Lightning Strikes

Jace Harrison, winner of the 2020 OCULA Lightning Strikes, shares her research on reconciliation in Canadian libraries as it relates to metadata.

Remote readers’ advisory

Across the country, libraries are closed but library staff are still working hard to provide remote programming and virtual services, including RA.

The wrong side of the digital divide

COVID-19 has definitely created new access needs. Unfortunately, not everyone has a well-equipped home office that comes with internet access, which is where the public library can help.

From tags to controlled vocabulary

We’re looking for a volunteer who loves metadata and is interested working on a short-term project.

Volunteer opportunity: Social media coordinator

If tweeting, analytics, and managing commentary interest you, then we invite you to join the Open Shelf team.

Claim this space

This particular blank space is waiting for members of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) community to fill it up, decorate it, contribute.

Miss the last issue of Open Shelf? Read it now!

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